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Curated by jean lievens
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UpFront - Noam Chomsky: Latin America is in regression

After more than a decade of left-leaning governments being elected to power across Latin America, some have now lost power, and others are now embroiled in p...

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The Rise and Fall of Latin America's Most Successful Progressive Party - Foreign Policy In Focus

Foreign Policy In Focus The Rise and Fall of Latin America's Most Successful Progressive Party Foreign Policy In Focus The PT was formally established in 1980, as Brazil's discredited military dictatorship withdrew from the political scene and...
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Noam Chomsky on the economic war on Latin America (2015)

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Noam Chomsky on the economic war on Latin America

Chris Spannos speaks with the acclaimed public intellectual about the shift in US policy toward Cuba and what it signals. In his speech to the United Nations ...
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Noam Chomsky 2014 on South American Independence

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How the Left won in Latin America -

How the Left won in Latin America - | real utopias |
The commentary “Why not a presidential candidate from the Left?” by Eduardo C. Tadem (Opinion, 8/7/15) elicited responses ranging from outright cynicism to guarded inspiration. But it was widely
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Comparing and Contrasting the Class Struggle in Latin America: 2000-2015 - The People's Voice

Comparing and Contrasting the Class Struggle in Latin America: 2000-2015 The People's Voice For over two decades of military dictatorships(1964-1984), the dominant classes waged war on the workers, employees and peasants, imposing tripartite...
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Pope Francis Welcomed by Paraguayan President | News | teleSUR English - teleSUR English

Pope Francis Welcomed by Paraguayan President | News | teleSUR English - teleSUR English | real utopias |
The leader of the Catholic Church met with President Horacio Cartes as part of his Latin American tour.
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Pope Francis: Speech at World Meeting of Popular Movements - Vatican Radio

Pope Francis: Speech at World Meeting of Popular Movements - Vatican Radio | real utopias |
Pope Francis: Speech at World Meeting of Popular Movements
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Noam Chomsky: Impacts of Free Market and US Foreign Policy on Colombia and Latin American revolution

2015 Leigha Cohen Video Production Noam Chomsky speaking on April 24, ...
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An Introduction To What Is Going On In Latin America -

An Introduction To What Is Going On In Latin America - | real utopias |

With the Middle East in flames, NATO trying to start World War III in Ukraine while the European Union’s economy stagnates, Africa torn by low-level wars, and China re-entering the world stage in an assertive manner, there’s one region of the world that is relatively quiet: South America.(Oops—Obama just blew that by declaring Venezuela a “national security threat” to the US. But, never mind.) Yet some of the most interesting and far-reaching changes in the world are taking place in this region. And these two books are excellent entries into understanding current developments in the region.

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Extractivism in Latin America - CounterPunch

Extractivism in Latin America - CounterPunch | real utopias |
Extractivism in Latin America
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Chomsky: Latin America Made Gains by Breaking from US

Chomsky: Latin America Made Gains by Breaking from US | real utopias |
The academic has drawn attention to the region's resistance to U.S. imperialism over the past 15 years.
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Interview with Noam Chomsky on the Crisis in Central America and Mexico

Interview with Noam Chomsky on the Crisis in Central America and Mexico | real utopias |
Chomsky discusses the past, present and future of Latin American politics. 
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Ideological Diversity within the Bolivarian Revolution: Interview with Aporrea ... -

Ideological Diversity within the Bolivarian Revolution: Interview with Aporrea ... - | real utopias |

In this interview, Gonzalo Gómez, founder of leftist Venezuelan website and militant of  Marea Socialista (Socialist Tide) criticizes the PSUV for stifling political debates. He also expresses regret for participating in a debating panel with members of the right-wing opposition, and defends Aporrea from claims that it is financed by the CIA.   Gómez, a long time militant in the Bolivarian revolution, was criticized within Chavista ranks for his participation in a panel with powerful members of the right-wing opposition.

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The Cochabamba Declaration: Latin America's Anti-Imperialist Offensive - Center for Research on Globalization

The Cochabamba Declaration: Latin America's Anti-Imperialist Offensive - Center for Research on Globalization | real utopias |

As a follow-up to the June summit meeting of the G77 + China leaders, held in Santa Cruz, the Bolivian government and the Bolivian Workers Central (COB) sponsored an “Anti-Imperialist International Trade Union Conference” in Cochabamba, June 30-July 2.

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A New World Order for Living Well - Socialist Project

A New World Order for Living Well - Socialist Project | real utopias |

The Summit of the Group of 77 plus China, marking the alliance's 50th anniversary, closed in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, on June 15 with the adoption of a Declaration containing 242 articles, entitled “For a New World Order for Living Well.” The Summit set a record for high-level participation, with the presence of 13 presidents, 4 prime ministers, 5 vice-presidents and 8 foreign ministers among the delegates of the 104 countries in attendance out of the 133 of the global South that now make up the Group of 77 plus China (also known as G77+China). The Plurinational State of Bolivia is chairing the alliance this year, and its president Evo Morales hosted the Summit.

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Argentina: Brutal Crackdown on Peaceful Social Protest in Chaco Province -

Argentina: Brutal Crackdown on Peaceful Social Protest in Chaco Province - | real utopias |

Governor Bacileff Ivanoff of Chaco province Argentina ordered the brutal repression yesterday of a peaceful, multisector protest demanding higher wages, healthcare, water, education, housing and jobs. Now protesters are also calling for his resignation.

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Where Does the Left Stand in Guatemala? - Upside Down World

Where Does the Left Stand in Guatemala? - Upside Down World | real utopias |

The Latin American left is experiencing one of its most fruitful and promising times in history in the region. As never before, 10 countries in Abya Yala - the American continent - are governed by left-leaning political groups with unprecedented positive results on the economy, society and politics. Of these 10 governments, five are headed by former guerrillas (mostly defeated by the military) from the end of the last century.

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Book Review: New Institutions for Participatory Democracy in Latin ...

Book Review: New Institutions for Participatory Democracy in Latin ... | real utopias |

This book consists of a group of essays about participatory democracy in Latin America. Participatory democracy is direct citizen participation in the political arena; it is outside the system of elections, political parties and representative institutions. Examples appear in the constitutions of Bolivia and Venezuela; in the community councils of Nicaragua and Venezuela and in the policy conferences of Brazil. They are part of the same revolt against the failures of neo-liberalism that characterized the mass mobilizations of the 1990s and 2000s. This rebellion also toppled governments in Bolivia, Venezuela, Argentina and Ecuador. The wave of popular protest is background to the emergence of institutions of participatory democracy. These institutions sprang from the recognition of major defects in electoral democracy. Representative institutions did not represent the marginalized and were unresponsive to their needs. They formed a part of elite rule. Participatory democracy gave voice to the previously excluded. It was seen as a corrective to the rule of rotating elites.

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What Does Democracy Look Like? Cuba, Its ALBA Allies, and the United States - Monthly Review

What Does Democracy Look Like? Cuba, Its ALBA Allies, and the United States - Monthly Review | real utopias |

Arnold August has written an important book on the developing participatory democracy and people's empowerment in those ALBA countries that form the bulwark of 21st century socialism and anti-imperialism in Latin America: Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia.  Save Cuba, they came to power due to popular anger in reaction to rapacious corporate neoliberalism, which still dominates the US rulers' agenda here at home.  These ALBA countries set the example of the new world that is possible, being built south of the border.

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De Blasio and the Left - CounterPunch

De Blasio and the Left - CounterPunch | real utopias |

On August 16th I wrote an article for my blog titled “A Dossier on Bill de Blasio”  that mentioned in passing his occasional appearance at NY Nicaragua Solidarity steering committee meetings nearly 25 years ago, something I likened to Obama’s overtures to antiwar activists on Chicago’s South Side—an investment that could pay future dividends. As de Blasio escalated up the electoral ramps in New York, he was careful to retain his liberal coloration even though he became an ally of Dov Hikind, a Brooklyn pol who once belonged to Meir Kahane’s terrorist Jewish Defense League.

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Curated by jean lievens
Economist, specialized in political economy and peer-to-peer dynamics; core member of the P2P Foundation